Empty Git Push for CI/CD Trigger

Almost missed my goal of a weekly blog post. 😁

If you prescribe to best practices, you have set up an automated CI/CD system that, at minimum, runs a build and associated unit tests on each commit (or small set of commits.) One problem that you may run into is a stuck build or one that doesn't finish in either a success or a failure (network timeout, other randomness, aliens?)

Depending on the version control system you are using you may have to commit some simple change like a comment to trigger a build. If you build system has a delay, you might be able to commit a change and then real quick commit a change to undo it. However, if you are using git, you should be able to do this:

git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger Build"

to get an empty commit to trigger your build.

Hope it helps! Next week I should have a more substantial post.